Which chemicals are safe, and which ones are hazardous?

With the information you have acquired about the chemicals used in your processes and products it’s time to evaluate them.

In this step you will be introduced to our searchable database of textile chemicals. Just enter the chemical name, hit search and it will tell you if the substance is hazardous or not.

get rid of chemicals in clothes
kids clothes no chemicals

Why evaluate chemicals in your supply chain?

Considerable amounts of chemicals are used in textile production chain. Some of these are hazardous and pose a threat to both health and the environment.

The use of such chemicals might also damage your business and be a financial threat due to litigations, product recalls and damaged brand reputation, for example.

Search the database and get informed about your chemicals

The database includes information about more than 100 000 chemicals, and it’s designed specifically for the textile industry.

You just need the chemical name and/or the CAS number to start your search. And best of all – it’s 100% free. No fine-print, no terms & conditions, no ways to trace your activity.

Find the hot spots in your product portfolio

It is likely to be many hazardous chemicals in your product portfolio and you can’t act on them all at once.

Single out the worst offenders and deal with them first.